Thursday, June 18, 2009

Poppy's Work Camp

Cheers to my father, now known as Poppy. For many, many, many reasons. Not the least of which is his willingness to take on my kids three days a week through the summer, saving me untold dollars in babysitting money.

I believe he is actually making out on the deal currently though. Through slave labor. My husband shared with me this morning that the youngest two were lamenting about the "work camp" Poppy is running.

For instance:

"We're not allowed to have breakfast until we do certain jobs"
"Breakfast was just one yogurt"
"He doesn't let us have ANY breaks"

Now I know for a fact that he picks them up from the park (swim practice) and gives them at least a half hour of down time, in which he generally cooks them either scrambled eggs or an omelet. I also know he gives them jobs to do, mostly gardening to date, for a couple hours. Then they generally have a couple more hours of complete vegging - TV, computer, video games, etc. So I find this pretty funny.

My dad keeps announcing his intention to work these kids defensively, like I'm going to protest. Oh, heck no! I'm so on board. As a matter of fact, my goal is to keep Work Camp going on the days they are home.

So, cheers to Poppy! I'm thrilled that they are not on their butts for 6-7 hours a day and I'm delighted that he is getting some help out of the deal. Keep working them!


Eileen said...

That floor better shine like the top of the Empire State Building! hehehe... awesome! Go Poppy. Too bad they can't install cabinets.

MadM said...

Amen, sistah - Nana would be OVER THE MOON if they could.