Monday, August 13, 2012

August again!

I will spare you the usual full paragraph of mea culpa for not posting in..... holy crap, nearly another full year.  Clearly I am not disciplined or consistent in my writing.  CLEARLY!

What is it about this time of the year that brings me back?  Is it a craving for order and routine (SO unlike me)?  A winding down of the casual randomness of summer?  That doesn't sound like me, but the only consistency I see of late on here is that I "check back in" right around this time.  Woops - that was a full paragraph mea culpa after all, wasn't it?  Sorry!

Anyhooooo.... this year finds me very restless and more than a little discombobulated.  I am at loose ends in more ways than I can count.  Perhaps it has something to do with being ill on vacation and feeling like I never really got the "break" I revel in each year?  Surely it is exacerbated by chaos around me in the lives of those I love - it is a tumultuous year for family and some of my dearest friends.  Most definitely it is aided by my lack of organization right now, my inability to focus on bringing anything to order. 

August has never been my favorite month.  It represents an end to me.  It is often unbearably hot, although this year, the worst seemed to come much earlier.  This August in particular is rankling me. 

My two favorite months are November and May.  They are gateways, full of promise and anticipation.  The former to my favorite holiday season, the latter to freshness of summer.   I don't know why I can't look at August similarly and consider that is gives way to September - a month I also enjoy as the beginning of a season I treasure.  But I can't.  It's as simple as that.

What are your favorite months/times of the year?  Why?


Beryl Ament said...

Great to see a familiar name in the blogosphere. Should I put you back on my "people I know" list? Remember, people who post once a year don't count.

And put me down for September

Bryden Blabbing said...

Oh no! Sick on vacation is never good, I always feel robbed. My favorite months are September and January - clearly I love to pretend to be organized and enjoy starting over twice a year! Welcome back.