Thursday, December 31, 2009

Best Laid Plans

I can't imagine I'm the only one who would view two weeks off work as an opportunity to accomplish big things.  Granted, I knew the two weeks would be punctuated by a good deal of time spent celebrating the holidays.  But still, I had plenty of time to clean house, organize closets and go through old boxes.  In general, the plan was to start the New Year O-R-G-A-N-I-Z-E-D. 

Now I have 4 days left with very little to show for the time passed. 

Oh I have definitely enjoyed myself.  I have had a number of lazy days in addition to days of celebration with family and friends.

But here I am, behind on the laundry (AS USUAL, anyone in my house would say), rooms and closets only minimally tidied and old boxes as packed up and disorganized as ever.

Well, 4 days is 4 days.  There is still hope.  I can still conquer this house and start the New Year organized.  If I'm nothing else, I'm optimistic!

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